Monday, June 23, 2008

Who's your farmer?

I've never been a fan of bumper stickers. They're just a little too commited and permanent for my taste. They're like tatoos for your car. I can't remember a time when I've actually had one on my car.......until......the "Who's your farmer?" sticker arrived in the bag with our vegetables one week. Now that's a car tatoo worth having! Do you know the farmer that grew your food?

We belong to a CSA (community supported agriculture) and get a bag of fresh organic veggies approximately 30 weeks out of the year. Gary Weil from Red Root Farm in Banks, AL is our personal farmer....along with about 60 other families. Joining the CSA changed the way we eat as a family and the way we look at and respect our food. We love it for many reasons but for me the greatest part is that it takes the mystery out of what you're going to cook for the fam. It also has exposed us to foods that we would never have tried had they not arrived in our bag.... kohlrabi, turnip roots and rutabagas are new in our repertoire. Sure, sometimes the corn is a little wormy or the kale is a little bitter or you get sick of the butternut squash because there was a bumper crop, but we eat it and give thanks for Gary's hard work, love and energy growing us the most nutritious vegetables possible.

Support local farmers and say "Yes! I do know who my farmer is!" Then you can get a car tatoo too.

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