Friday, May 30, 2008

Stokes finally figure out how to contribute to the blog

After fighting my case of computer illiteracy, I am finally able to add to the blog. When Juli-Ann first approached me with the idea of going to farm school, there were so many obstacles that would derail the plan, that it was easy to entertain the possibility. As the obstacles started to dissolve, it became apparent to me that this adventure was a definite possibility. Mudge and Molly sold, Juli-Ann got accepted to the school(first student with children accepted), she visited the kids prospective schools and loved them, etc..... Talk was now becoming action, all the stars were aligning! As any of you who are close to Juli-Ann know, her passion is contagious. As reality started to sink-in excitment became fear, but I have learned lately to recognize fear, and do what you are afraid of anyway. Juli-Ann and I want to instill in Mac and Annie that it okay to be scared about something and still pursue it. Some of the greatest accomplishments come when you learn to conquer the fear to try new things in the first place. If nothing else comes out of this experience, it is my hope that it teaches all of us to seek our dreams and TAKE action to bring them to fruition.

I am so excited about Juli-Ann and the kids adventure in Massachucetts, but I am equally excited about my adventure right here in Alabama.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mac's scoop on the trip to Mass.

My first reaction to this idea was WHAT!!! WE'RE MOVING TO WHERE!!! So as you can see I was as suprised as you are. When I thought about it I said to myself "Hey I'll be like Marius and Christiaan Heersink except I'll be moving to Massachusetts instead of Holland. Now we have got an awsome house with a 40 acre yard to play in and for an extra bonus it has woods behind it that I can use WOOH! The bad thing is that we have to leave our friends and dad here in Dothan. Only for a year though. My dad also will be coming to visit frequently so that is good. And thats my scoop on the trip to Massachusetts.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What I think about next year.

I think it is going to be a fun adventure. I am sad that my dad is staying here and that I am going to be away from all of my friends for a year. I really like our house up there. I think it is going to be so fun. I am going to meet new friends and people. I want to see what it is like.

Monday, May 12, 2008

52 Creamery Hill Road

Luck is on our side. Our friend Bill Lamb (a current Farm School student) found this house for us to rent. It's only a mile from Maggie's farm where Mac & I will be in school and about 15 minutes from Annie's school. We must have been living right- can you imagine a more picturesque New England setting? The house sits on 40 acres which will be great fun for Mac & Annie to explore. We couldn't be more excited.

The prize does come with some questions about what we're able & willing to live without- namely: air conditioning and a dishwasher. It will be interesting to see how we manage...stay tuned. The owner is willing to let Pierre & Lulu come with us. Anyone willing to make the 2 day drive up with them?

Mac, Annie & I are headed up May 31 to stay in the house for a few nights, get our bearings in the area and decide what furniture we need to pack up & bring with us on the next trip in June. Let the adventure 52 Creamery Hill Road, North Orange, Mass.