Sunday, June 8, 2008

Simple is hard.

One of the intentions for this move is to learn to live with less and simplify our lives. It's ironic how hard it's been to do that. Simple = Easy...right? Well, not exactly. I feel like things are exponentially more complicated as I try and untangle the web we've spun ourselves into over the last few years. I wish the "simple fairy" would just fly down and figure out how make it happen for us.

This process of simplifying and letting go has actually been a work in progress over the last few years. I've had yard sales and taken countless loads to Good Will, the FUMC rummage sale and needy families. I've stopped using retail as therapy for a bad day. I've gone "shopping in my closet" for functions instead of getting a new outfit. I sold my business. I've stopped mindless spending trips to Target & Old Navy. I'm mindful about cooking food that is in our pantry and eating leftovers. I've learned to say "no" to any volunteer projects that I'm not passionate about. I've cleaned out every closet, cabinet, closed door & chest of drawers... weeded out, sorted out, thrown away, recycled, donated and passed down. I have pondered on Sheryl Crow's song lyrics: "It's not getting what you's wanting what you've got...." reallllllly pondered on those words and have come to truly believe them.

So, as I'm packing for our big move on Thursday I'm wondering why it is that we still have all this STUFF?!? Yo Sheryl...when you have 30 t-shirts in your closet do you really need to want that many because you've got them? I guess the bigger question is why as Americans do we feel that we need all this stuff?....obviously I think I need it or I wouldn't have it.....or... maybe... I just want it....thus the untangling begins. It's hard to be simple!

First on the list to go....cable tv...really- it's gone! We've talked about doing it for years...even threatened the kids a few times with it but we've really actually done it! It's amazing how you don't really even miss it...ok, so maybe we've missed it a little but not nearly as much as I thought. And, perhaps if I don't have someone telling me why I need all these things then the list of what I want will become more clear. Maybe I'll be able to recapture my own sense of style which was so much part of who I was when I was younger rather than falling into the "Pottery Barn" version of life we're bombarded with now. It's sad how homogenized we've become...did you know the Target in Keene, NH has EXACTLY the same merchandise as the Target in Dothan? Did I expect something different? I must have because I couldn't help feeling disappointed when I made this realization.

Second to go- marketing by email...I have been consciously unsubscribing to all of the Gaps, JCrews, Banana Republics & Anthropologies telling me about their deal of the day. Thanks Bluefly- I'll pass on the extra 15% and by the way, unsubscribe me from your list. Even Oprah and a whole bunch of other "self-help" e-newsletters that I've subscribed to haven't made the cut. If I can figure out how to remove myself from all of the catalog mailing lists I'll do that too....although I think this might be a little trickier. It would be interesting to save all the paper catalogs I receive in a year (I'm sure the number would be staggering) and figure out the carbon footprint that me & my little bitty old 349 S. Park self has left on the planet.

There's a whole lot of other stuff to be worked out too....we sold about $25,000 worth of loot for a mere $500 at our garage sale Saturday (and were skipping to my loo to get that) and left the rest on the front porch for the Rescue Mission to pick up tomorrow....admitedly the pile is growing as I'm continuing to pack.

I believe the first step to change is recognizing the need for it and then setting your intention to make it happen. My intention to simplify is there and the wheels are in motion to make it happen....and oh boy- I definitely recognize the need after going through this packing experience!


Shannon said...

hey! i've used this free service that is supposed to remove you from catalog mailing lists. but if you ever order from the company in the future, i think you're right back on it....helps for a while at least.

Kathy T. said...

Hey Juli-Ann,
I came across a link to your blog from Jon and Jennie's blog and have been really intrigued with your 'Year on the Farm'.

When I read this post, I agreed with it completely. Duffy and I have frequently talked about starting to simplify our lives. As a person who is so dependent on technology for my job, it's hard to lose my enthusiasm for wanting to acquire the latest 'gadgets'.

Your post about your experience has made me more convinced that it might not be as hard as we think. I'm enjoying the blog and look forward to reading about your family's experiences over the next year and wish you the best of luck!
