Monday, July 14, 2008

The church bell's gone crazy.

This is a picture of the church that is right up the street from our house. No, I'm not kidding and yes, I know it is the perfectly picturesque quintessential New England village church. When we were first here the church bell rang on the hour every hour (day & night) which, admitedly, took some getting used to. I adjusted and came to enjoy the reminder that there is life outside the quiet of our little farmhouse.

Well, since I've been back the bell has gone crazy. It rings at random times....not usually on the hour and it's never the right number of dongs. It always makes me chuckle to myself to hear it so confused. It rang 23 times the other day.....military time? (you're thinking to yourself) Good guess- except that it was 10 am. So....while still picturesque, maybe it's not quite so perfect....which is what I'm finding out about New England in's got lots of little quirks amidst the traditional Americana setting that make it an interesting and endearing place to live....and good for a chuckle from time to time for a girl from the South.

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