Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How exactly did I get from there to here?

I've shared a bit about my past and the chaos that created the need for me to head out on this adventure. It's been a long process getting from there to here....and where "here" is, I'm not exactly sure... but, in looking back over the last few years, I know that "there" is not a place that I want to go back to. "There" is me sitting with Thelma on my left, Louise on my right, revving the Thunderbird getting ready for the flight into the great unknown. "Here" is looking at the changes I've made as I've inched back from the edge and realizing there are still many miles to go....and being ok with that. "There" is me tap dancing as fast as I could to keep up "the perfect life facade" while the steam was running out. "Here" is my ability to be gentle with myself in all of my imperfectness....and to even let others in on the secret that I haven't really got it all together. "There" is me playing the blame game about who's fault it was that my life was a trainwreck. "Here" is my realization that I am in charge of my life, my happiness, my peace....it's no one else's responsibility to create that for me. "There" is a study in how high your pendulum can swing before it flies over the top...too much of the worthless stuff- over-working, spending, consuming, partying, noise. "Here" is a study in balance- keeping the pendulum from swinging too high either way...more of the important stuff- relaxing, saving, recycling, reusing, sleeping, quiet. "There" is me being relentlessly sick & tired, plagued by chronic sinus infections, allergies, insomnia, constipation. "Here" is me reclaiming my health through healthy eating and lifestyle choices. "There" is being driven by fear. "Here" is feeling the fear, and doing it anyway. "There" is me standing still- waiting for changes to happen in my life. "Here" is me being proactive about creating the life I want to live.......and.....the list goes on....I'm sure you get the picture by now.

"There" to "here" doesn't happen overnight. Recognition of the need for change is the first step. Many of us desire to make changes but don't know how or where to start. It's ok to ask for help...I stubbornly did alot of this on my own. Real, lasting changes take commitment, intention, perseverance, patience, faith and time time time time time. I, like most people, struggle with my socialized/ culturized nature to need instant gratification. Patience is NOT one of my best virtues....in fact, it probably wasn't even on my list of virtues until a couple of years ago. Looking back to "there" from "here", though, I see that lots of small changes over time add up to big changes in the end. It's a never-ending process- today's "here" will be tomorrow's "there".

Stay tuned for another exciting episode about changing your life tomorrow on: Our Year on the Farm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a great writer!...What did Mrs. Dauphin know?! Is this a picture of the church you are going? Love your blogs!