Sunday, September 28, 2008

Harvest Day

Each spring the students at Annie's school plant a garden. Each fall they have a Harvest Day where they pick what has grown during the warm months. They begin the celebration by circling up, singing songs of thankfulness and talking about being grateful for the Earth's bounty. Each older child has a younger pre-school buddy that they lead into the garden and help them find all the treasures from the ground. It's an amazing sight to see: the delight in their eyes as they pull bunches of carrots out of the dirt...or find an inchworm on the potato they just dug....or struggle to lift a giant pumpkin off the ground...or get lost inside the teepees the beans are growing on. Although I'm not in grade school anymore, I can certainly relate to their glee. I am no less awe-inspired than they are each time another gift from the land emerges....every seed is full of a miracle waiting to happen...and endless possibilities and connections to the world around it....just like the precious children at Annie's school.

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