Saturday, September 6, 2008

First Day of School

My kids have never been "the new kids at school" before. Other than, of course, 3 year old preschool where everybody else was a new kid too. I knew that letting them experience something new and unknown was a good decision for us and I was fully confident that the schools we chose would be a good fit for them...but admitedly there has been that nagging voice in my head.... "What if they are not accepted....What if no one plays with them on the playground.... What if they are miserable and blame me..." You know that voice that seems relentless even though you know it's irrational. It's that voice that keeps many of us living in fear instead of living the best lives we can...what if, what if, what if? I've gotten better through the years at ignoring the voice- sort of like a mom driving a station wagon swatting back children that keep hanging over the front seat. Often now I watch them throught the rear-view mirror before they pop up...."I see you....I know what you are up to...Don't even try it." This was a big one though...some days I felt like all of the kids were hanging over the seat and some of them were even in the front seat with me trying to drive! Our minds are really funny that way- especially when our sense of normalcy and security is threatened....or when there's a chance that your child might feel awkward or left out....that's a doozie.

A couple of weeks ago Annie made a friend (her name is Ruby) that is in her class at school. They played together a couple of days and had a blast doing all the things that 9 year old girls do. On the way to school Wednesday Annie said, "But Mama, what if Ruby only plays with all of her old friends- what if she doesn't want to play with me." From her tone she had obviously been thinking about it for a while. The voices of doubt start young! I reassured her that Ruby would include her and she had nothing to worry about....gulp....crossing my fingers and saying a prayer as I said it. As I walked Annie to her classroom, Ruby came running up to us, gave Annie a big hug and said, "Annie put your backpack by mine." I knew in that instant it was all going to be ok.

When I picked her up from school that day, I could tell by her bright smile and posture that she had a fantastic day. She filled me in on every detail- including the part about her deciding to play soccer on the playground so she could meet some girls that she didn't know yet. That's my girl! "Math is awesome!", she said yesterday when I picked her up. They went to the Post Office (which happens to be right across the street from the school), divided up into groups and looked for as many arrays as they could find. As she gave me the blow by blow you would never know that she was talking about the subject she called the most boring thing on Earth 6 months ago. Yesterday during dinner she said, "You know Mama, it's like I've known the kids at my school all of my life." And there you have it....I needn't say more!

Mac's experience has been wonderful as well. He told me yesterday that he, Perry & Grady (his 2 school buds) had discussed politics over their lunch. He said they had figured out why McCain chose Palin as his running mate. Ummm...ok....I didn't even know Mac knew who McCain was... He said that they had decided that since McCain is very rich and powerful and had lots of houses and things that he chose Palin to be more on the People's level because, you know, she's like a hockey Mom. Well...alrighty then. He was thrilled with the science class he had yesterday which was in a group "problem solving" format. They discussed "conflict" during class discussion time- the causes and solutions- and he could report every single students' answers and the conversation that ensued...voluntarily, I might blood from turnips this year apparently.

So, once again, I get to put those silly voices to rest. Mac & Annie are I knew they would be. Yet another lesson for me on listening to and trusting my intuition and not paying attention to those crazy kids in the station wagon....In fact, I'm banning them to the way back for the rest of the trip!


Cynthia said...

How wonderful to hear that my nephew and niece are doing great in their new surroundings. It's a funny thing though.. I could have told you they would be successful and happy. I know this because their Mom and Dad raised them to be confident, outgoing, acutely mindful of others, polite, helpful and loving. Sorry that you had to experience so much stress and inner turmoil, but we on the outside KNEW that Mac and Annie would share the wonderful attributes that you and Stokes instilled in them. So, more power to you both!!! I can't wait to hear more.


Anonymous said...

Hey JA! Love the blog. Still digging for that magazine and I KNOW it's here somewhere because I haven't thrown away a magazine since the Carter administration...I will find it...somewhere...
love, Dana