Friday, August 29, 2008

Interesting comment.

This is a comment I received in response to my "Say NO to Frankenfood" post. It was posted anonymously. Mr. or Ms. Anonymous doubted that I would publish the comment because it doesn't fit with my "world view." I decided not only to publish it but to create a whole new post about it too! Buckle your seat goes:

Anonymous said (I copied & pasted): "Yep OK, because you have made such a convincing argument about the dangers and you told me to "NO to GM food" Let me guess... you've never been truly hungry have you? I say that because if you have you wouldn't dismiss agricultural science so quickly. You want natural, then go and catch a fish becuase thats about the only food that isn't genetically modified through conventional breeding.If you want ecoli, then eat organic. It comes from the raw sewerage they use to fertilise your food.I doubt you will publish this comment because it doesn't fit with your world view, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve to hear it."

Mr. or Ms. Anon.- based on your sarcastic tone I take it I didn't convince you to say NO to Frankenfood in my post about the subject. Well, I've been walking down this path for a long time and trust me- you are not the first "roll & blow" I've encountered. Perhaps I should have put a whole lot of boring statistics and frightening facts about how our food is being tampered with. I figured the evidence is out there and easy to find. I took the less casual slightly humorous approach instead. I find this to be a more effective way of piqueing interest. In addition, my post was not really to debate whether GMO's are right or wrong....of course they are WRONG in my opinion....but to educate people that they are eating them and they probably have no idea. I believe that we should have the right to choose and refuse.

So, sir/ ma'am, let me answer your first question. Have I ever been truly hungry? This actually brings up 2 different points- both of which I will address.

First point: The simple answer would be "NO." I have never been hungry...I'm actually hoping if you've read any of my other blog posts, or if you know me even a little, you would pose this as a rhetorical question but I wanted to be sure and cover all the bases by answering. I am certain that if I were hungry the idea of eating genetically modified food would not bother me enough to refuse a meal. However, this does not make the introduction of GMO's into our food supply without our consent or package labeling right- even for people that are hungry.

Second point: The Monsanto Corp (aka -in my home- "The Axis of Evil") is the leader of GMO production. They've also developed and distributed such lovely products as Roundup, Aspartame, Ambien and rBGH- touting their benefits to both health & agriculture while ignoring the well- documented harm they are causing.....and becoming one of the biggest, richest, most powerful corporations in the world in the process. One of their marketing schemes to convince us that GMO's are a "good thing" is that GM crops will help solve world hunger. Apparently Monsanto must think we are all really naive, stupid, or both. World hunger is NOT created by a shortage of food but, among other things, by corrupt and greedy governments. So if your question about hunger was an attempt to imply that GMO's will help feed the hungry, I'm sorry you bought into that nonsense.

Your next point is about my dismissal of agricultural science so quickly. Wrong. I never dismissed agricultural science and I have been studying what's right and wrong with our food supply for over 20 years now...that's not very quick on my calendar. Feel free to blast me but please, do it with facts and not information you are reading between the lines that you have no knowledge of. Again, if you've read my other posts or know me even a little, I have moved away from my home, friends, family & life to study organic farming....I would say that actually makes me a FAN of agricultural science.

Quick question for you Anon....are you a parent? If you are then I'm sure you can sympathize with the following scenario and if you're not, well, just try and stretch your imagination. You are sitting watching your child at a birthday party happily devour a nice big bowl of ice cream. Your child has some severe food allergies but everything found in ice cream is perfectly safe for him to eat. Then imagine your horror when, before your eyes, your child's throat starts closing as he has an allergic reaction. See, there was fish DNA in the ice cream....and your child is deathly allergic to fish....the ice cream package wasn't labeled as containing genetically modified food so how could you have known? I'm sure, if this were you and your child YOU wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the effect that GMO's are having in our world. Luckily, my children and I haven't ever been in that situation but I've spoken with countless other parents who have. As a believer that children are our future, I think that as parents we should pledge to protect ALL children...not just our own.

It seems it might be in order to clearly define (in over-simplified and non-scientific terms) what GMO's are as they have nothing to do with conventional breeding practices. Species in nature are created to breed with their kind...humans with humans, llamas with llamas, tomatos with tomatos. This conventional breeding (sometimes scientifically generated) creates hybrid varieties. Never in nature would a fish breed with a tomato....until, of course Monsanto figured out how to penetrate the cell wall of the tomato (by using bacteria like ecoli to break the barrier) and inject fish DNA into it. This is, of course, a very oversimplified and dumbed down version of the process and just a single example of the ever-increasing list of GMO's. As I stated in my first post about GMO's, they have now been unleashed in Nature...there's no turning back. I firmly believe that when you educate people you empower them to choose for themselves. We should all have the choice whether to say YES or NO to genetically modified food...but how can you choose when you've never even heard about it?

Fish....ahhhh.....another good point of debate. Me, catch one? Again, no thanks. Not only are our wild fish now dangerously contaminated with high levels of mercury (due to the run-off from coal burning electric plants) but also because of over-fishing practices many species are dangerously close to disappearing- within my childrens' lifetimes. What about the fish in the grocery store labeled "farm raised"?...don't think for one second that those fish are free of conventional breeding practices. Oh, and they're fed....guess what....genetically modified corn. GMO's have, at best, created a well-tangled web that is far-reaching across many different types of foods you might consider safe.

As far as raw sewage in organic food.....I'm sorry, but I just had to laugh out loud at that sentence. I've heard alot of people justify their "organic food is a hoax" opinions through the years....this is probably one of the best. I won't even take the time or energy to debate....instead I'll just wait to share this with my fellow student organic farmers. I'm sure it will create some humorous dinner conversation.

I'm tickled that you brought up "my world view." just sounds so radical and hip and informed like I might consider going on a hunger strike, starting a riot or running for political office or something. Before you mentioned it, honestly, I didn't even know I had one. Your declaration got me thinking though...exactly what is my world view? I actually looked up the definition just to be sure that I completely understood the meaning before stating what it is. "The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world." It would appear from your original comment that you are well-informed of my world view....but, just in case you might have missed something, let me try to define it as clearly and accurately as possible- just so there's no mistaking what I think.

My world view:

We, as Americans, are fatter, sicker and more depressed than we've ever been despite the fact that we spent $2.26 TRILLION on healthcare in 2007. We suffer from chronic headaches, allergies, PMS, low energy and digestive disorders. We jack ourselves up on caffeine, sugar & anti-depressants during the day then put ourselves to bed with alcohol and sleeping pills. Our infant mortality rate is the 2nd worst in the developed world- right behind S. Korea & Cuba and just slightly above Croatia, Lithuania & Taiwan. "Adult-onset Diabetes" has now been changed to simply "Type 2" because of the numbers of children who are developing it. It is estimated that 40% of the children born after 2000 will develop it in their lifetime. Our Standard American Diet has gradually trickled out into other parts of the world....and with it....our Standard American Diseases.

We have lost control....we've given our health away to doctors, pharmaceutical companies & insurance companies. We've given our food away to factory farms, mega- corporations & processors. We've given our creativity and individuality away to marketing firms, mass media and paparazzi. We've given our right to be a nation of, by & for the people away to politicians, lobbyists and bureaucrats.

We are in deep doo doo.

I'm not radical. I'm just a Mom who has Hope. Hope that I can help make the world a little bit better place....for my children and the generations that will follow. Hope that I can continue to educate myself with Truth so that I can educate others and empower them to make good choices for their health & happiness. Hope that I can teach my children how to respect their Bodies, their Minds, their Spirits and their Earth. Hope that when it's my time to leave the physical world that I'll rest easy knowing that I tried to do something worthwhile instead of burying my head in the sand pretending like it all might go away and be just fine. Hope that we can gain some of our freedom and control small step at a time. Hope that my actions will inspire other people to live healthier, happier, more fulfilled lives....and that they might inspire others.....until the grass-roots effect is far reaching enough to ensure that no one goes to bed hungry or cold at night....World Peace is not out of the question you know....but first, is Hope. My world view is full of it and I'm finding that it's pretty contagious- careful because you might catch it.

So, my friend, thank you for your comment. It helped me more clearly define my world view and affirmed my convictions about GMO's and organic food to an even more impassioned degree.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

First of all, You Go Girl!

Anonymous obviously did not take the time to read any of your previous blogs. If they had, they would have better understood your knowledge base on the subject of GMO's and your firm commitment to healthy living.

Also, Anonymous needs to take a refresher High School English course. Anonymous, note to self: If you are going to criticize someone in writing make sure your spelling and grammar are correct. It can add to your criticism, or detract from it, as the case may be.

Second, I am terrified to eat anything. I am struggling to lead my family in a healthy direction and am stumped at every turn.
Who can I believe when trying to grow, buy, prepare, and serve healthy food choices. The current public information seems out of date. What can I read to be better informed? Who can be trusted? Where do I begin?

Thanks for sharing your journey this year and keep posting the spirited blogs!
