Monday, August 4, 2008

The livin' is easy.

I have always had high hopes of creating a lazy summer. Somehow the vision in my head of "summertime and the livin' is easy" got sidetracked with busy-ness: day camps, organized activities, play dates, swimming lessons & packing for "vacation" time (you know those vacations where you come home needing a vacation because you're exhausted from your vacation)...all the while trying to design and produce new product for summer market and fill market orders.... Ours was more like "summertime and the livin' is chaotic with too much reality." "Summertime and the kids are out of school so Mom's got to shift gears 34 more times during the day (up from her normal 57 times a day when they're in school) to figure out who goes where when and try to get a few hours of work in here & there sporadically so the business doesn't go under." I never wanted to wish the summertime away and pray for school to begin but....I always did.

One of the things I've come to understand here is that this whole experience of coming to Farm School was Life's little trick to help me get back on track. Sometimes when we can't do it on our own we need a little Divine Intervention or a good ole' Universal Kick in the "you know what". I had not been here long when I realized that farming had actually moved way down the list of importance in the reasons that I came here.

The livin' here is easy, simple, uncomplicated, unhurried. Some days we stay in our pajamas until noon and some days the kids are on their bikes riding through the garden rows by 9. There are probably 340 less "things" to do here than when we lived in Dothan but I haven't heard the phrase "I'm bored" once. We've spent time playing games, cooking, picking out books at the library and reading, tie dying tee-shirts, watching movies, picking wild blueberries and working in the garden. It's a picture of contentment that I could live in forever.

Slowly, I am beginning to feel a shift within myself....which, I believe, is the real reason that I was drawn here. I am "remembering" something I didn't even know that I had forgotten....or maybe I knew it, I was just far too busy to go look for it in an intensive way. We come into the world with our minds, bodies & spirits connected- perfect pictures of spiritual beings within human bodies. Unfortunately many of us lose that connection as we go through life....forgetting a little more each day amidst the material world we live in...seeking answers for why we feel a void. We read self-help books & listen to Oprah about how to get it back, go to church- kneel & pray, sing hymns and give our monthly tithe, we do yoga & qi gong, eat the right foods and acquire alot of stuff. We all find "our truth" in different ways....seeking is the important part.... and slowing down enough to receive the answers when they come.

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